Professional Staff
Philip Bergquist, CPA, JD, LLM International Tax & Transfer Pricing
Phil has 30+ years of experience, most recently with Deloitte & Touche (“D&T”), as the Central Sector Partner-in-Charge of Transfer Pricing services in Chicago, recruiting and heading a team of 15 economists and tax professionals and initiating D&T’s transfer pricing web conference series. Previously, Phil was Senior Tax Counsel at Apple Computer, Inc., where he negotiated the world’s first advance pricing agreement (“APA”) with Australia, then completed APAs with Canada, Japan and Singapore and also led Apple’s team in the first Tax Court arbitration and was Vice President of Taxes for the Leo Burnett Company. Phil has written and spoken extensively.
Lizbeth Bergquist, BS, CPA, MST Transfer Pricing, Financial Services
Liz has 25+ years of experience, primarily in the healthcare and financial services industries, serving as Ass’t Treasurer for BJC Healthcare, Treasurer for Alexian Brothers, and a manager for D&T.
David Bernotas, Ph.D. Economist
David has over 5 years of experience, including Chief Economist of the Frita Group, and as a lecturer at the University of California, the University of Illinois and Indiana University.
Steven Ko, Ph.D. (ABD), M.B.A. Economist
Steve is an economist with over 15+ years of experience in both industry and consulting, including 2 years at Deloitte.
George Kyroudis, BS, CPA, MST Transfer Pricing, International Tax
George has 25+ years of experience, in both the public and private sectors. Most recently, he was the International Tax National Director for Experis and, immediately prior to that, was the Tax Director for Playboy Enterprises.
Robert Levy, CPA, MST Federal, State & International Income Tax
Bob has 30+ years of experience, primarily with various corporations, including Director of Taxes at ACCO and at Microdot, Inc. and time with Brunswick and Huron Consulting.
Richard Stuart Transfer Pricing Consultant
Rick has over 30 years of experience, primarily, prior to joining B&R, with various corporations in the pharmaceutical and logistics industries.
Ernie Werle Information Technology Specialist
Ernie has 30+ years of IT experience - formally with IBM.
Mee Choy (Toy) Stevens, CPA, MST, JD Federal, Transfer Pricing & Expatriate Tax
Toy has 20+ years of consulting experience (with Big 4 and her own firm), focused in expatriate taxation, serving clients like Apple Computer and Lam Research.
Martin Skretkowicz, CMA International Tax & Transfer Pricing
Maureen Harty Finance Consultant
Maureen has over 13 yrs of Financial Analyst experience with a bulk if that coming from Accenture. Other idustries include, trading, banking and media.